Sunday, January 19, 2014

Ausible Chasm

This was my trip to Ausible Chasm which is up by Lake Champlain and was carved out during the last ice age. It's about 150' deep and is pretty cool. There are paths and walkways about halfway down into the chasm so I was walking right above the water.

This is Rainbow Falls which marks the beginning of the chasm. 

There are two much smaller chasms which run parallel to the big one but are much older. This is the smaller one I believe. 

Some of the trails

Alternative path but you can see the river through the split

Ripple marks in the rock from the Cambrian Period from some ancient sea.

Fossolized footprints from the ancient seabed from some unknown animal

The rest of these are of the chasm from along the paths and walkways. Beginning to end pretty much.

Elephant Head rock...because it's supposed to look like an elephant's head?

Road that crosses the chasm. Rainbow Falls is just past this. 

More ripples in the rock

This is the wreckage from a walkway that stood sometime back in 96. With a combination of a large temperature change melting snow, ice, and a large amount of rain there were flash floods ripping the walkways from as high as 70' up. They rebuilt the whole system before they were due to open but were devastated again the next November due to heavy storms and had to rebuild again.

Moss from dripping water

You can actually raft/tube the chasm.

The chasm ends just like this into a basin

This is the second small butmuch larger old chasm 

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