Sunday, June 30, 2013

Mt Greylock & 100' of the Appalachian Trail

Today I went to Mt Greylock which is the highest peak in Massachusetts at an elevaton of ~3500' (.66 miles). It's barely in MA though, New York is only 5 miles away I think. The Appalachian Trail also crosses it, these guys get to hike up the mountain then back down. I walked all of 100' (or so) which is more than I have done before. The mountain has some great views and the drive up was nice. There are a couple of campgrounds and tails all over the place since it's a National Park. The top had a nice surprise, there's a war memorial up there which I overheard was supposed to be a lighthouse somewhere on the coast and a small hotel, the food there was actually good. There's also little waterfalls and streams everywhere.

Info on the AT, starts in GA and ends in ME. 

Appalachian Trail marker

This is the war memorial at the top. I didn't see anything for any specific war so it must be for all wars and fallen soldiers. I could believe that it was meant to be a lighthouse. You can go to the top for a really nice view but unfortunately they had it closed. 

This is the little hotel at the top

This is a pretty neat topographical map/model of the whole area

Here's some of the views from top and a few of the vistas they had along the road

Town of Adams at the foot of the mountain

I love my camera, this was taken at full zoom in the same spot at the two above pictures. The church at the center of the above picture. 

There were a whole bunch of little waterfalls and mountain streams on this mountain. This first one is at one of the vistas you can pull over at. The others I did a little off trail exploring for and it was worth it. Some of these just seemed to keep on going and were up in places I could've gotten to with a bunch of effort but the ones I did go to were tough enough to get to. 

The pullover with the waterfalls and my van. 

I think this one is my favorite

Just a moss covered piece of quartz. This white quartz is just everywhere. It'd look great for the pond but this is a big rock for me to carry out of the woods

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