Sunday, June 30, 2013

Zip Lining

I decided to do something I wasn't so sure about but I'm glad I went. Zip lining is a lot of fun and I'd definitely do it again. The course here had 11 zip lines and two sky bridges. The longest line they have is 660' and depending on your weight you could go upwards of 40mph. In this case the more you weight the faster you go since it all works off of gravity. The company is called Zoar Outdoors and they also do rafting but I didn't do that. 

I tagged along with a family from Rhode Island, they were a fun group to go along with. 

I was the only one who posed for the camera

I had to get ready to stop before I hit the tree at the next line. You stop by putting your hand on the lower line, your hand is the break. The instructors were telling us when to slow down. 

This is the group. I'm on the right and the two instructors are the two on the left. 

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